A négy számos demóról kizárólag szuperlatívuszokban lehet beszélni, első hangjától az utolsóig tökéletes. A Breakthrough hiába volt csupán egy projekt banda, mégis kultikus zenekar. Nem elég, hogy a demo zeneileg és a dalszövegek tekintetében is maga a HARDCORE, így, csupa nagybetűvel, de emellett minden a zenekart körülvevő tényező és momentum is legendássá teszi a felvételt.
A React! Records már jóideje ígéri, hogy a legendás Breakthrough demót kiadja kislemezen. John és Izzy már újra felvették a demo kazetta összes számát Ian Love (Rival Schools) segítségével, valamint rögzítettek egy korábban nem publikált dalt, Our Perspective címmel. Pete Russo (Impact fanzine) elvileg már elkészült a lemez dizájn részével, így a következő hónapokban tényleg elindul a BT előrendelés. Addig is csekkoljátok a következő videót, ami a stúdiózás rejtelmeibe enged bebocsátást számotokra:
TIMES LIKE THESE - As many keen ears may have picked up, the main inspiration for the music was DYS "City To City". I love the feel of the DYS song; it makes me go inane whenever I hear it! I can't think of many songs that have that feel. YOT's "Break Down The Walls" and "Keep It Up" have mostly the same feel, but I wanted it to be a shorter jam than those two. To me it's pretty much a great mosh while you sing along type deal.
ALWAYS CHANGE - This song was heavily influenced by bands like Ignite, Insted and other southern California powerhouses. There's a funny little story about the drum beat for the choruses, the beat is completely ripped from the breakdown of YOT's "Live Free". (if you fight for freedom, then do what's right) In our early days of getting into hardcore, the crew of three or four we had here would always talk about how awesome that beat was. If was on my drums, it was customary to hear "dude, do the live free beat!' So it was great to have that in there as kinda of a "what we grew up on" thing.
SEPARATION - This song was beaten out of me by John the night before we went to record! It's an awesome song, I only wrote three songs before John arrived at my place that week. John gets full writing credit for this one. We were sitting on my couch and John we pretty much saying "Do this, do this, do that, and this" I must say it was a pretty cool writing process. I can't really put my finger on anything that sounds like it, or where it came from, other than saying it's a hardcore song.
NEVER A CHOICE - I always wanted to bust out a song that sounded like Uniform Choice - but I don't think I'm as talented as those fellows are. So this is what came of that. As far as song writing goes, this is my favorite. The breakdown/skank came right out of the Wide Awake formula book. I'm telling everyone now, if you hear this song live or something like it, you are supposed to STOMP in time with the music when that part kicks in!
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